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Mount Carmel

Secondary School

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high quality

Education For Girls

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We pride ourselves on providing a high quality
education for girls

Message from the Principal

Thank you for taking time to consider Mount Carmel Secondary School for your daughter. I believe we have a wonderful school community here in King’s Inns Street. I am proud of our staff, of our students and of our long tradition. I am also extremely proud of the high quality of teaching and learning that we facilitate on a daily basis, as well as the achievements of our students.

Every student matters to me. My wish for each one of them is that they will reach the highest possible academic standard of which they are capable. My vision is that each student in our care, will leave Mount Carmel as a fully rounded young woman having developed a love of learning as well as an appreciation that education is a life-long pursuit.

Our school atmosphere is warm and structured, friendly and focused, child-centred and ambitious. It is my belief that children are happiest and most open to learning in this type of disciplined yet caring environment. While in our school I want each one of our girls to have the opportunity to develop their individual talents, whether they be sporting, musical or academic, and to grow in confidence so that they can take their place in the world and use their talents for the betterment of society. Should you choose Mount Carmel for your daughter I can guarantee that she will receive first class tuition from wonderfully talented teachers in the most up to date facilities. I believe that your daughter will be extremely happy and well cared for in our school. I look forward to meeting you and your daughter.

Gerard Cullen


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