
In the spirit of our foundress, Mary Aikenhead, we endeavour, by working together as a school community, to educate the whole person by fostering a growth in knowledge and integrity in a safe and secure environment.

In the tradition of Mary Aikenhead we find our meaning and inspiration in Christ the teacher who sends us as He was sent to enter into the struggle of our times in our mission of Education.

We affirm that the richness of our schools lies in each student, in each teacher, in each parent, in each person who contributes in whatever way to the life and work of the school and community.

Mount Carmel Secondary School strives to be a welcoming place to all, irrespective of culture, social, religious or educational background. It is Catholic in character, inclusive in its intake and comprehensive in its curriculum. It exercises justice and fairness in its structure and behaviour management strategies and is consultative in its decision-making. Our school aims to take positive steps to fulfil its mission in partnership with the Department of Education and Science, Board of Management, Parents, Staff, Students, Trustees and the Local Community.

As with other values, justice, peace, forgiveness, reconciliation and mutual understanding will find clear expression first and foremost in the daily life of the school community. We aim to educate our students to be people of integrity and responsibility whose potential has only begun to be realised and who will use their gifts to contribute to a more just society.

Since the aim of all Sisters of Charity schools is the formation of young people in a specifically Catholic Tradition it follows that a systematic way of presenting the faith is a central element of the life of Mount Carmel Secondary School. We also welcome students from other religious traditions and we are aware of, and sensitive to, their own individual needs.