Green School

Green-Schools is a student-led programme, with involvement from the wider community, which aims to promote long-term, whole-school action for the environment.

A Green-Schools committee was officially established in Mount Carmel in September 2017. The purpose of establishing the committee was to lead the school community towards establishing a more environmentally friendly school. During their time in office the committee member have completed the following:

  • successfully informed the school community of the Green-Schools initiative and raised its profile
  • established links with Dublin City Council
  • attended training to become school leaders in the area of environmental awareness
  • carried out a detailed environment review of the school
  • drawn up an environmental action plan
  • fundraised for the installation of new recycling stations and general waste facilities throughout the school.
Green-Schools Committee Members:
Chairperson Diana Mare
Secretary Ms. Cleary
Notice Board Officers Laura Pietrzak and Laura Ashley Paulo
Finance Officer Heaveny Curpen
Digital Media Officer Amina Gutsaeva
Recycling Officers Jesse Van den Berg , Baisah Adesanya, Amelia Delatowska, Nicole Jones
Coordinator Mr. O’Brien

Green-Schools Action Plan

Goal: Reduce the number of bins per day going to landfill from 31 to 26 in 6 months.
Action Required Person Responsible Timeframe Achieved
Design the Green-Schools Notice Board outlining the results of the Environmental Review Notice Board Officer (Laura Pietrzak and Laura Ashley Paulo) 1 week
Contact the local authority and seek support and compost bins Green-Schools Coordinator (Mr.O’Brien) 1 week
Contact local groups and respresentatives seeking financial support for purchasing of recycling stations Finance Officer (Heaveny Curpen) 3 week
Purchase new recycling bins with the money raised Green-Schools Coordinator (Mr. O’Brien) Within 6 months
Organise “Waste Free” day Green-Schools Committee Within 1 week of the bins arriving
Design posters for the new bins Subcommittee Within 1 week of the bins arriving
Appoint Recycling Officers & Draw up a rota Green-Schools Committee 1 week
Send information to parents regarding use of lunch boxes and plastic bottles Green-Schools Coordinator & Principal 2 week
Contact Canteen re. plastic bottles at lunchtime Chairperson through Principal 2 week