Making Notes

Most subjects and textbooks contain definitions, facts and statements which must be understood, learnt and reproduced in exams.
It can often be surprising how many definitions are in every subject. Memory pages are a good way of memorizing this information. We know that frequent revision aids long-term memory.

Steps to creating memory pages

  1. Use an A4 page
  2. Take your textbook and on the page write all definitions, facts and statements for the particular chapter or topic
  3. Continue this until you have the entire textbook summarized 
  4. Staple or bind these pages together, read two pages each night

Tips for improving your notes

If you are wondering how to improve your notes, consider the following things:

  1. Order - organising the information in your mind is learning
  2. Titles - you'll have lots of notes, make sure you can find them
  3. Summarise - figuring out exactly what's important is learning
  4. Neatness - easier to read over but slowing down a little when making your notes gives your brain more time to process the ideas
  5. Examples - our brains love examples, that's why there are examples of all of this below
  6. Diagrams - many concepts are much easier to picture than to explain in words