Transition Year

Transition Year is a one course which take place in 4th year. While TY is optional students are often encouraged to follow this course before going into 5th year to begin studying for the Leaving Certificate.

According to the Whole School Evaluation of Mount Carmel which took place in 2010 it was noted that ‘an innovative and broad ranging course is offered to the Transition Year students in Mount Carmel Secondary School.’

TY students also enjoy two, two week blocks of work experience in their own chosen areas of interest. This gives them a much needed insight into the world of work before they begin to make choices that can lead to a future career.

Among the many and varied educational experiences in TY, students are given are the opportunity to earn the Bronze Gaisce Medal (The President’s Award). Students also participate in ‘Mini Company’ in which they liaise with professional business people and entrepreneurs and learn how to develop their own business ideas.