
Our vision for Mount Carmel is that of a centre of learning where all members of the school community are valued and appreciated and work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Within a safe, caring and disciplined environment, the voice of all members of the community is heard and a standard of excellence is pursued in line with the capabilities of each student.

Our academic aspirations for each of our students is that they will receive a broad relevant education to the highest possible standard, in line with the requirements of the Department of Education and Science and that this will reflect in the examination results of the students. We strive to help our students to reach their potential, enabling them, where possible to progress to third level education and to develop their appreciation of learning and education as a lifelong pursuit. These aspirations are for all our students whatever their achievement level is on entry to Mount Carmel.

Socially we endeavour to facilitate and encourage our students in the course of their time in our school, to develop life skills which will enable them to participate fully in society, to set goals for school and for life, and to empower them to be responsible and participating members of society. Through the discovery and development of talents, self-confidence and pride is fostered along with a willingness to use talents and gifts for the betterment of society.

In terms of moral development, Mount Carmel aspires to foster a deep respect for the dignity of each human being. We endeavour to promote an openness to and appreciation of diversity, be that of race, colour and creed. Integrity, honesty, a sense of justice and a willingness to work towards a more just society are values which we recognise as core in our task of education.

As a catholic school, open to students of all faiths and none, we seek to remain faithful to our Catholic tradition, fostering the faith development of our Catholic students, while respecting and being sensitive to those who come from other traditions. Rooted in the motto of our founding order ‘Caritas Christi urget nos’ we seek to live out and promote Christian gospel values.

Welcoming students from many different countries and cultures throughout the world, we seek to share and foster the riches of our Irish culture while growing in knowledge and appreciation of the myriad of cultures which we are privileged to have in our school community.

We aspire to maintain and preserve the unique feature of our beautiful building while equipping it with all the facilities necessary to educate our students to take their rightful place in our modern society.

Mindful of our roots as being a school that was originally built in order to provide an education and be a service to the poor, Mount Carmel seeks to serve the needs of the students living in a rapidly changing world, some of whom are experiencing different forms of poverty. As a school that has always embraced and adapted to change, we recognise that our students as individuals face huge challenges in all aspects of their lives. Through the education we provide, we seek to nurture and prepare our students to meet these challenges.