Visual Arts


The Visual Arts at Mount Carmel are studied by pupils at both Junior and Senior Level. In the Art class students are provided with a safe and inviting environment where they can feel comfortable and relaxed amongst their peers and teachers.

Students are equipped from 1st year on, with the basic art skills required to excel in the subject area and furthermore in their Classroom based Assessments (CBA’s) and state examinations. These skills are further enhanced and developed over the following school years both at Junior and Senior Cycle via ongoing teacher guidance and support.

An emphasis is placed on the quality of knowledge imparted to the students from their teachers to ultimately build student self-confidence, critical thinking, art knowledge, practical skills and the enjoyment of the arts so they can engage with all forms of art in a more confident and informed way.

A significance is placed on working from direct observation and trying to record the world around us. Students are provided with ongoing feedback and formative assessment so as to reach their full potential in multiple art disciplines.

Art Department Staff
John Bourke, BA (Fine Art), DLIADT, H Dip (ADE), NCAD