Wellbeing in Mount Carmel

“Your greatest investment is in yourself”

The wellbeing of our students is at the heart of what we do in Mount Carmel.

“Teachers are highly committed to supporting students’wellbeing. A wellbeing coordinator is in place and a valuable range of activities is organised. Meetings with parents and staff, and findings from questionnaires indicate that there is a good atmosphere in the school. In addition students who met with the inspection team characterised the school as being friendly, welcoming and helpful”

Quoted from our Whole School Evaluation report 2019


Our Wellbeing Success of 2023

Mount Carmel was awarded The Pieta House Amber, celebrating how our school creates a healthy, supportive, and inclusive environments by promoting mental wellbeing.

Wellbeing supports and initiatives we run in Mount Carmel

• Our ethos & mission statement
• A whole-school Wellbeing Plan
• Friends for Life (1st Year Programme)
• Transition Year Programmes
• Extra-curricular/Co-curricular clubs/activities
• SPHE, PE, CSPE, Wellbeing classes
• Student Wellbeing Team
• Happiness Week- promoting positive mental health
• Guidance Counselling & Whole-school Guidance Plan
• Visiting speakers/workshops/field trips
• Pastoral- Tutor and Yearhead
• Policies (eg SEN, Code of Positive Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Dignity in the Workplace)
• Programmes – TY, LCA
• Library, mindful activities
• Student Affirmation (merits, newsletter, display of student work, journal notes, etc.)
• Positive Behaviour Plans
• Staff monitoring, SNAs
• In-class support, seating plans, differentiation strategies

• SEN support
• Supported evening study
• Referral systems
• Student mentoring
• Green Schools Committee
• Amber Flag
• Student Council
• Class Captain
• Parents Council
• Anti-bullying programme
• Stand Up Awareness
• Cyber safety Week
• Extra curricular
• Fundraising opportunities
• Healthy Body/Health mind Initiative
• Buddy Bench- promoting positive Friendships
• Annual Whole School Sponsored Walk for Pieta House.

Visit our Wellbeing instagram page for all content on wellbeing initiatives:


Meet our Student Wellbeing Team 2023/24


Our Wellbeing and Mental Health Coordinator: Ms Murtagh

Wellbeing in the Curriculum

We at Mount Carmel dedicate 400 timetabled hours of Wellbeing as part of the Junior Cycle Guidelines. Our 3 core wellbeing subjects are:

Links with Wellbeing Indicators


We provide opportunities for students to be:


• Be confident and able to participate in physical activity
• Be physically active every day


• Take action to protect and promote their wellbeing and that of others
• Make healthy eating choices
• Take responsibility for their learning


• Feel connected to their school, their community and the wider world
• Appreciate that their actions and interactions impact on their own wellbeing and that of others, in local and global contexts


• Believe that they have the coping skills to deal with life’s challenges
• Know where they can go for help
• Believe that with effort they can achieve


• Feel that they are listened to and valued
• Have positive relationships with their friends, their peers and their teachers
• Show care and respect for others


• Be aware of their thoughts, feeling and behaviours and can make sense of them
• Be aware of what their personal values are and think through their decisions
• To understand what helps them to learn and how they can improve